The study and comparison of lootis culture in the Story of lady Alawiyah and Lahestaniha' home

Document Type : Original Article


1 master of litereture, literature college, univercity of kashan, esfahan, iran

2 kashan university


Fictional literature is a type of literature narrated in the form of novels, stories and short stories Fictional literature in Iran began to emerge in its modern form, almost after the constitution, using vulgar culture. As a result,the characters in these stories are inspired by people who have more influence over the events of society. One of the most important of these groups is the lootis that have had a significant impact on the fate of society and they have been very attentive in fiction literature. . So it is a good example for familiarity with influential personalities in society.
Lady Alawiyeh story and Lahestaniha's home novel, written in different period time and different social conditions. So In this study, we have compared these with emphasis on the lootis culture and compared the social conditions effect on styles of writing in this storis. and we have come to the conclusion that not only toleration culture has a significant role in contemporary storytelling, but toleration personality traits in making and paying for the character in Alavi's story are closer to reality.
