Shadows of social naturalism in some of the poetry of Ahmad Shamlou in Havaye Taze

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Persian language and literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



Naturalism is a literary school that emerged due to the scientific, social, and philosophical contexts and conditions prevailing in the 19th century. The aim of this study is to investigate some manifestations of the literary school of naturalism, which have come into being under the influence of contemporary political and social events in some of the poems of Havaye Taze. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and after extracting data from Shamlou's poems, the researchers have analyzed them according to the topic and purpose of the research. Firstly, naturalism and its characteristics, the political nature of contemporary literature and Shamlou's poetry, and the impact of this kind of poetry on important political social events, are presented, then the ,Havaye Taze introduces and briefly Some of its poems are reviewed according to the subject matter. Under the influence of important social political events such as the coup of 28Mordad1332, and the experiences of the poet associated with these variables, the characteristics of "extreme social realism, pessimism and jassa, and social political determinism" in a are seen number of poems of Havaye Taze Which can be studied in terms of naturalism. These features reveal the voluntary, critical, reflexive, and revealing dimensions of his poetry in relation to society, and promote his poetry to the degree of social naturalism.
