The chain of Kabkanjir . a research about one word in the Kelilah va Demnah

Document Type : Original Article


Visiting Professor of Technical and professional university in kermanshah



Kelileh va Dimneh is undoubtedly one of the important proses of Persian language and literature, whose political and moral content has been of interest for a long time, although it has not been popularized by the public as it deserves. However, according to many experts, this book is considered the most prominent Persian prose after Golestan Saadi. The literary aspects of this text, despite the two corrections of the late "Qarib" and "Minowy" and several explanations about this work, are still not fully known and many issues remain in its various areas, especially some of its words. The story of the rabbit, the kabkanjir, and the ascetic cat in Raven and owl is very important and well-known because of its relationship with one of Hafez's poems; But regarding the word "Kebkanjir" in the story of Kelileh va Dimneh, there is still no correct judgment and it is doubtful. In this article, a new opinion about this word is proposed so that the chain of the word's incomprehensibility can be broken.
